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Artist Biography & Facts
Joaquin Mir Y Trinxet

Joaquin Mir Y Trinxet (1873 - 1940) was active/lived in Spain.  Joaquin Mir Y Trinxet is known for Modernist landscapes, cityscape, and coastal scene painting, drawing.

Joaquin Mir Trinxet was a Catalan Spanish artist. Living through a turbulent time in the history of his native Barcelona, he was known by the color of his paintings. They helped to define the Catalan art movement known as modernisme.

Mir Trinxet was born in Barcelona to a well-off Catalan family. His father was representative of foreign firms, some of them from Nuremberg. Mir studied at the Llotja before joining the Colla del Safrà group with Canals, Nonell, and Pichot. Thanks to an agreement with them, he was able to work as a painter, and in 1899 Mir went to Mallorca with Santiago Rusiñol, where he met the mystic Belgian painter William Degouve de Nuncques, whose work would influence his own.

Working in isolated circumstances in Mallorca, Mir painted odd landscapes in which forms and chromatic colors merged. In his first exhibition in Barcelona in 1901, the critical reviews were positive, but the public found his paintings difficult to comprehend. He started in   ...  [Displaying 1000 of 3007 characters.]  Artist bio

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.  askART's database currently holds 659 auction lots for Joaquin Mir Y Trinxet (of which 205 auction records sold and 3 are upcoming at auction.)

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.  There are 0 artworks for sale on our website by galleries and art dealers . There are 1 galleries and art dealers listing works of art by Joaquin Mir Y Trinxet as either "Wanted" or "For Sale" .

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.  askART lists Joaquin Mir Y Trinxet in 0 of its research Essays. Joaquin Mir Y Trinxet has 5 artist signature examples available in our database.

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Facts about Joaquin Mir Y Trinxet

   Joaquin Mir Y Trinxet  Born:  1873 - Barcelona, Spain
Died:   1940
Known for:  Modernist landscapes, cityscape, and coastal scene painting, drawing
Name variants:  Joaquin Mir, Joaquin Mir Trinxet, Joaquín Mir Y Trinxet

Joaquin Mir Trinxet was a Catalan Spanish artist. Living through a turbulent time in the history of his native Barcelona, he was known by the color of his paintings. They helped to define the Catalan art movement known as modernisme.

Mir Trinxet was born in Barcelona to a well-off Catalan family. His father was representative of foreign firms, some of them from Nuremberg. Mir studied at the Llotja before joining the Colla del Safrà group with Canals, Nonell, and Pichot. Thanks to an agreement with them, he was able to work as a painter, and in 1899 Mir went to Mallorca with Santiago Rusiñol, where he met the mystic Belgian painter William Degouve de Nuncques, whose work would influence his own.

Working in isolated circ  ...  Displaying 750 of 3007 characters.

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