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Letitia Bonnet (Bennett) Hart

Letitia Bonnet (Bennett) Hart (1867 - 1953) was active/lived in New York, Connecticut, Florida.  Letitia Hart is known for Figure, portrait and genre painting.

Hart was born in 1867 in New York. She was the eldest of three children of the Hudson River School painter James McDougal Hart and the artist Mary Theresa Gorsuch Hart (d. 1921), who was best known for Easter Morning, a widely reproduced image of a white marble cross draped in flowers. James Hart's siblings included the artists William Hart and Julie Hart Beers.

Letitia's sister, Mary Theresa Hart (1872-1942), was also a painter.  Letitia Hart studied with her father, at the Brooklyn Academy of Design and National Academy of Design in New York City, and with Edgar Melville Ward. (Her brother Robert Gorsuch Hart, a water-plant engineer, died while working in Mexico in 1906, at age 37.) The family lived at 94 First Place in Brooklyn and had a country home in Lakeville, Connecticut.

Starting around 1885, Letitia Hart exhibited her work at venues including the American Water Color Society, Art Club of Philadelphia, Brooklyn Art Association, James Gill's gallery in Sprin   ...  [Displaying 1000 of 2858 characters.]  Artist bio

Artist auction records

.  askART's database currently holds 14 auction lots for Letitia Bonnet (Bennett) Hart (of which 12 auction records sold and 0 are upcoming at auction.)

Artist artworks for sale and wanted

.  There are 0 artworks for sale on our website by galleries and art dealers . There are 0 galleries and art dealers listing works of art by Letitia Bonnet (Bennett) Hart as either "Wanted" or "For Sale" .

Research resources

.  askART lists Letitia Bonnet (Bennett) Hart in 0 of its research Essays. Letitia Bonnet (Bennett) Hart has 2 artist signature examples available in our database.

Similar artists

.  There are 20 similar (related) artists for Letitia Bonnet (Bennett) Hart available:    Clinton Loveridge,  John Dolph,  George Henry Smillie,  Antonio Nicolo Gasparo Jacobsen,  Colin Campbell Cooper,  William Merritt Chase,  Hayley Lever,  William Trost Richards,  Jane Peterson,  Frederick Judd Waugh,  Harold Dunbar,  George Benjamin Luks,  Alfred Maurer,  John Joseph Enneking,  Ben (Benjamin) Foster,  Robert Emmett Owen,  Ernest Lawson,  Emil Bisttram,  Emile Albert Gruppe,  Thomas Hart Benton

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Facts about Letitia Bonnet (Bennett) Hart

   Letitia Bonnet (Bennett) Hart  Born:  1867 - New York City
Died:   1953 - Eau Fallie, Florida
Known for:  Figure, portrait and genre painting
Name variants:  Letitia (Hart) Bennett, Letitia (Hart) Bonnet

Hart was born in 1867 in New York. She was the eldest of three children of the Hudson River School painter James McDougal Hart and the artist Mary Theresa Gorsuch Hart (d. 1921), who was best known for Easter Morning, a widely reproduced image of a white marble cross draped in flowers. James Hart's siblings included the artists William Hart and Julie Hart Beers.

Letitia's sister, Mary Theresa Hart (1872-1942), was also a painter.  Letitia Hart studied with her father, at the Brooklyn Academy of Design and National Academy of Design in New York City, and with Edgar Melville Ward. (Her brother Robert Gorsuch Hart, a water-plant engineer, died while working in Mexico in 1906, at age 37.) The family lived at 94 First Place in Brook  ...  Displaying 750 of 2858 characters.

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