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Marcel François Leprin

Marcel François Leprin (1891 - 1933) was active/lived in France.  Marcel Leprin is known for Painting.

"One knows above all a Leprin landscape painter. As he produced a lot on the theme of Montmartre, an attempt was made at his beginnings to suffocate him in the great shadow of Maurice Utrillo. He had no difficulty in freeing himself from this shadow in the minds of those who, led by Suzanne Valadon, recognized the originality of his layouts and the choice of motives that were screened by his undeniable personality. His painting tells, without cheating. It betrays what he tries to keep secret. And this with a candor, an abandonment, a frankness, which forces us to enter his intimate domain, to walk around and listen to the stories he recorded, the stories he told himself". in Marcel Leprin et ses amis, Musée Galliera, imprimerie Kapp, p. 7.

Artist auction records

.  askART's database currently holds 404 auction lots for Marcel François Leprin (of which 192 auction records sold and 0 are upcoming at auction.)

Artist artworks for sale and wanted

.  There are 0 artworks for sale on our website by galleries and art dealers . There are 0 galleries and art dealers listing works of art by Marcel François Leprin as either "Wanted" or "For Sale" .

Research resources

.  askART lists Marcel François Leprin in 0 of its research Essays. Marcel François Leprin has 15 artist signature examples available in our database.

Similar artists

.  There are 24 similar (related) artists for Marcel François Leprin available:    Charles Clement Francis Perron,  Frantisek Zdenek Eberl,  Andre Barbier,  Andre Wilder,  Adolphe Feder,  Roger Bertin,  Pierre Hode,  Anders (Andre) Osterlind,  Franz Priking,  Rene Seyssaud,  Jacques Truphemus,  Charles Cottet,  Julian Gustave Gagliardini,  Maurice Lemaitre,  Louis Robert Arthur Latapie,  Narcisse Guilbert,  Auguste Chabaud,  Jules Adler,  Louis Abel-Truchet,  Leon-Alphonse Quizet,  Jean Hippolyte Marchand,  Pierre Alfred Cornu,  Gustave Madelain,  Charles Lacoste

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Auction Sales Stats for Marcel François Leprin

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