Art Dealers
Julie Hart (Kempson) Beers

Julie Hart (Kempson) Beers (1835 - 1913) was active/lived in New Jersey, Massachusetts.  Julie Beers is known for Landscape, still life and genre painting.

The following biographical data about the family background of Julie Beers was submitted January 2006 by Marianne Brush (Mrs. Walton Brush), the great, great granddaughter of the artist, Julie Beers.

In the beginning there is Daniel Robertson, born 5-30-1769.  He had a daughter named Marion Robertson, born 10-7-1792.   This Marion Robertson married James Hart, (born 3-28-1788) on 7-16-1811.   They produced ten children.....James, William and Julia Fenn (born 12-28-1834) among them.  Julia was the last and the only one born in America.  The rest  were all born in Scotland. 

Julia changed the spelling of her name to Julie and dropped the Fenn entirely because she felt it was too foreign.  The family settled first in Pittsfield, Mass. and later lived in Albany, N. Y. There Julie Hart married, on 1-13-1853,  a journalist named George Washington Beers.  They had two daughters......Marion Rob   ...  [Displaying 1000 of 4694 characters.]  Artist bio

Artist auction records

.  askART's database currently holds 45 auction lots for Julie Hart (Kempson) Beers (of which 38 auction records sold and 0 are upcoming at auction.)

Artist artworks for sale and wanted

.  There are 0 artworks for sale on our website by galleries and art dealers . There are 1 galleries and art dealers listing works of art by Julie Hart (Kempson) Beers as either "Wanted" or "For Sale" .

Research resources

.  askART lists Julie Hart (Kempson) Beers in 0 of its research Essays. Julie Hart (Kempson) Beers has 5 artist signature examples available in our database.

Similar artists

.  There are 24 similar (related) artists for Julie Hart (Kempson) Beers available:    Joseph Antonio Hekking,  Carleton (J Carleton) Wiggins,  Paul Gottlieb Weber,  Arthur Parton,  Samuel Lancaster Gerry,  James McDougal Hart,  Benjamin Champney,  Jervis McEntee,  Claude Claudine Raguet Hirst,  John William Casilear,  David Johnson,  Clinton Loveridge,  John Appleton Brown,  James Bonnar,  Levi Wells Prentice,  William Mason Brown,  James Crawford Thom,  Carl Wuermer,  Edward B Gay,  Bryant Chapin,  John Francis Murphy,  Hermann Fuechsel,  William Hart,  Charles Wilson Knapp

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