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Florine Stettheimer

Florine Stettheimer (1871 - 1944) was active/lived in New York.  Florine Stettheimer is known for Surreal genre, figure and still life painting, design, poetry writing.

A legend of New York Bohemian lifestyle in the early 20th century, Florine Stettheimer was an artist who renounced academic training and focused on naive depictions of New York society as well as family portraits, flower and simply styled, lyrical conversation pieces. Other than idiosyncratic and nonconforming, umbrella terms are not easy to assign to her work.

She was born into a German international banking family in Rochester, New York, and lived a privileged existence during her youth between New York, Munich, Berlin, and Stuttgart. She studied painting in these cities including at the Art Students League in New York with Carroll Beckwith, H Siddons Mowbray, and Kenyon Cox.

Eventually she established a studio in Munich where she did derivative academic paintings. But in 1912, after a year spent in Paris, she became expansive in her style, much influenced by the Ballet Russe with Diaghilev. She created her own ballet with hand-crafted figures, toy-like with satin cost   ...  [Displaying 1000 of 2161 characters.]  Artist bio

Artist auction records

.  askART's database currently holds 11 auction lots for Florine Stettheimer (of which 10 auction records sold and 0 are upcoming at auction.)

Artist artworks for sale and wanted

.  There are 0 artworks for sale on our website by galleries and art dealers . There are 1 galleries and art dealers listing works of art by Florine Stettheimer as either "Wanted" or "For Sale" .

Research resources

.  askART lists Florine Stettheimer in 1 of its research Essays. Florine Stettheimer has 0 artist signature examples available in our database.

Similar artists

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Auction Sales Stats for Florine Stettheimer

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