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Henrietta Granbery

Henrietta Augusta Granbery (1829 - 1927) was active/lived in New York, Virginia.  Henrietta Granbery is known for Floral still life, landscape.

Landscape and still-life painter Henrietta Augusta Granbery was born in 1829 in Norfolk, Virginia, but grew up in New York City. She had her studio there while teaching in Brooklyn at Professor West's Seminar. Her sister Virginia was also a painter of landscapes and still-lifes of fruit, as well as portraits.

Granbery exhibited over many years at the National Academy of Design in New York City. From 1861 through 1890, she showed such florals, landscapes and still-lifes as "View in Central Park," "Basket of Fruit," "Apple Blossoms," "Near Elizabeth, New Jersey," and "Magnolia Grandiflora."

Granbery's paintings were represented in the 1876 Centennial Exhibition in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She also exhibited, between 1863 and 1869, at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts there, such still-lifes and flower paintings as "Roses," "Azaleas," and "Sweet Peas."

Henrietta Augusta Granbery died in 1927.

Jules and Nancy Heller, "North American   ...  [Displaying 1000 of 1035 characters.]  Artist bio

Artist auction records

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