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Alexander Galt

Alexander Galt (1827 - 1863) was active/lived in Virginia.  Alexander Galt is known for Sculptor-portrait bust.

Alexander Galt, a portrait sculptor, was born in Norfolk, Virginia on January 26, 1827. Galt was a son of Alexander Galt Sr., his artistic talents were first noticed when he was a pupil of a Frenchman, M. Schisano.

Galt's first efforts at sculpture were miniature figures carved from pieces of chalk he carried in his pockets to chalk the taws he used when shooting marbles with his schoolmates. From these he progressed to small alabaster figures, after which he began carving cameos from conch shells, several of which were set in gold and worn by Norfolk belles of that era.

Before studying in Florence from 1848 to 1854, he worked in crayon and pencil. Introduced to the Neo-Classical style while abroad, he made many ideal pieces, including a bust entitled "Bacchante" (circa 1852, Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.) notable for its smooth, softly-modeled forms, and an "Aurora" (1859-60, Chrysler Museum at Norfolk).

By 1853, when he was twenty-six, Galt was an es   ...  [Displaying 1000 of 4053 characters.]  Artist bio

Artist auction records

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