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Leon Detroy

Leon Detroy (1857/59 - 1955) was active/lived in France.  Leon Detroy is known for Landscape and townscape painting and drawing.

Léon Detroy was born in Chinon in 1859, a doctor father and a mother from the family Gilles de la Tourette, thus predisposing him to a life away from pecuniary needs.

He was introduced to painting by his maternal uncle, a collector in Loudun (Vienne) who knew Corot and Courbet. Around 1880 Leon Detroy decided to enter the Beaux-Arts in Paris; but, very quickly, the academism of his master, Jean-Paul Laurens, tires him and he leaves the studio. He is then keen on the outdoors and wants to paint on the grounds as the Impressionists now do.

In 1887, he discovered the Walks around a village of George Sand. It is a revelation for him: a few days later, he arrives in Creuse, even before Armand Guillaumin. He buys a house in Gargilesse and befriends Maurice Rollinat where he meets Claude Monet. Then, he brings his friends Henri Charrier and Ernest Hareux to Rollinat at La Pouge.

From then on, the artist surveys the sunken paths and the banks of the river to fix the motif   ...  [Displaying 1000 of 1824 characters.]  Artist bio

Artist auction records

.  askART's database currently holds 251 auction lots for Leon Detroy (of which 176 auction records sold and 1 are upcoming at auction.)

Artist artworks for sale and wanted

.  There are 0 artworks for sale on our website by galleries and art dealers . There are 0 galleries and art dealers listing works of art by Leon Detroy as either "Wanted" or "For Sale" .

Research resources

.  askART lists Leon Detroy in 0 of its research Essays. Leon Detroy has 11 artist signature examples available in our database.

Similar artists

.  There are 24 similar (related) artists for Leon Detroy available:    Louis Neillot,  Fernand Maillaud,  Auguste Chabaud,  Pierre Jean Baptiste Louis Dumont,  Anders (Andre) Osterlind,  Elie Anatole Pavil,  Charles Cottet,  Pierre Ambrogiani,  Constantin Ernest Adolphe Hyacinthe Guys,  Charles Kvapil,  Paul Madeline,  Frantisek Zdenek Eberl,  Charles Malle,  Eugène Alluaud,  Victor Charreton,  Roger Marcel Limouse,  Charles Lapicque,  Yvon Grac,  Jacqueline Marval,  Pierre Alfred Cornu,  Max Michel Agostini,  Henri Liénard Saint Delis,  Henri Manguin,  Georges D'Espagnat

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