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Marshall Woodside Joyce

Marshall Woodside Joyce (1912 - 1998) was active/lived in Massachusetts.  Marshall Joyce is known for Seascape, ships, landscape, coastals.

The following is from Peter Kostoulakos, ISA Fine Art Consultant,

Marshall Woodside Joyce, painter and teacher best known for his seascapes, ships, landscapes and coastal scenes, was born in Medford, Massachusetts in 1912 and died at the age of 86 at his home in Kingston, MA on Monday, February 9,1998. His interest in the sea was nurtured by his sea captain father and the time they spent together on his three-masted schooner. Joyce was named after his grandfather, Captain Marshall Woodside, master of the full-rigged ship the Sintram - meaning Water Spirit.

Even as a young schoolboy Joyce practiced by constantly sketching in his notebooks. After completing his studies at Medford High School, his love of art and the sea was more fully developed at the Art Institute of Boston, where his training prepared him for a career in both commercial and fine art. Upon completion of his training, Joyce began a professional career as a freelance artist in a studio o   ...  [Displaying 1000 of 5674 characters.]  Artist bio

Artist auction records

.  askART's database currently holds 91 auction lots for Marshall Woodside Joyce (of which 81 auction records sold and 0 are upcoming at auction.)

Artist artworks for sale and wanted

.  There are 0 artworks for sale on our website by galleries and art dealers . There are 0 galleries and art dealers listing works of art by Marshall Woodside Joyce as either "Wanted" or "For Sale" .

Research resources

.  askART lists Marshall Woodside Joyce in 0 of its research Essays. Marshall Woodside Joyce has 16 artist signature examples available in our database.

Similar artists

.  There are 24 similar (related) artists for Marshall Woodside Joyce available:    Frank Beatty,  Jane Reid,  Marian Steele,  Margaret Fitzhugh Browne,  Charles Heinz,  Martha Cahoon,  Ada Hensche,  Michael Graves,  Charles Gordon Harris,  William Paskell,  Sam (Samir) Barber,  J Thurston Marshall,  C Myron Clark,  Charles Henry Richert,  Clement Drew,  Helen Sawyer,  Charles Cahoon,  Alfred Czerepak,  James Bonnar,  Henry Hensche,  John Cuthbert Hare,  John Loughlin,  Joseph L C Santoro,  Harold Dunbar

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Auction Sales Stats for Marshall Woodside Joyce

Auction Records 91
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