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Albert Bierstadt

Albert Bierstadt (1830 - 1902) was active/lived in New York, California, Massachusetts, Kansas / Germany.  Albert Bierstadt is known for Romanticized western landscape paintings, photography.

Biography photo for Albert Bierstadt
Likely the most famous and financially successful late 19th-century painter of the American western landscape, Albert Bierstadt created grandiose, dramatic scenes of the Rocky Mountains and Sierra Nevadas that lured many people to visit those sites. He was also one of the first artists to use a camera to record landscape views.

His oil paintings, many of them huge, were the ultimate expression of the popular 19th-century Romanticism.  But his reputation diminished when public taste in art changed dramatically and replaced Realism and Romanticism with Impressionism and when transcontinental railway travel revealed that the West looked nothing like his idealized paintings.

Bierstadt was born in Solingen, near Dusseldorf, Germany, and sailed as a baby with his family who settled in New Bedford, Massachusetts.  Unlike many of his successful peers, as a child, he showed only casual interest in and talent for art, and he had little encouragement from h   ...  [Displaying 1000 of 51073 characters.]  Artist bio

Artist auction records

.  askART's database currently holds 1182 auction lots for Albert Bierstadt (of which 932 auction records sold and 1 are upcoming at auction.)

Artist artworks for sale and wanted

.  There are 11 artworks for sale on our website by galleries and art dealers . There are 46 galleries and art dealers listing works of art by Albert Bierstadt as either "Wanted" or "For Sale" .

Research resources

.  askART lists Albert Bierstadt in 4 of its research Essays. Albert Bierstadt has 60 artist signature examples available in our database.

Similar artists

.  There are 24 similar (related) artists for Albert Bierstadt available:    Thomas Moran,  Childe Hassam,  Frederic Sackrider Remington,  Eanger Irving Couse,  Jasper Francis Cropsey,  George Inness,  Joseph Henry Sharp,  William Trost Richards,  Robert (Henry Cozad) Henri,  William Merritt Chase,  Hermann Ottomar Herzog,  Martin Johnson Heade,  Ernest Lawson,  Alfred Thompson Bricher,  Winslow Homer,  Worthington (Thomas) Whittredge,  Thomas Hart Benton,  Maynard Dixon,  Oscar Berninghaus,  Frank Weston Benson,  Thomas Hill,  Sanford Robinson Gifford,  John George Brown,  Frank Tenney Johnson

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