# Sold per Medium
Gino Hollander

Gino F. Hollander (1924 - 2015) was active/lived in California, Colorado / Spain.  Gino Hollander is known for Abstract figural expression.

Gino Hollander began painting in 1960 at the time that a new medium - acrylic paint - was emerging and he was among the first to explore its possibilities. Viewing his work now, one becomes aware of the virtuosity of both the painter and his medium. There are canvasses with the subtle oriental feeling of dry brush done in India ink, there are thick built up swirls of garish color or soft transparent hues, paint shoveled on with a palette knife, drips and blobs and fine line drawings, as well a mixture of oil medium with the acrylic, sometimes all of these things on one five foot canvas. The end result is pure emotion. You hate it or you love it but it is difficult to remain neutral.

Hollander is an undisciplined painter. He withholds nothing of himself. He refuses to rein in his emotions or his appetites. If a canvas is vulgar it is because he was feeling vulgar when he painted it. He shows it anyway. He feels that any painting he has done is a part of him. He doesn't show just   ...  [Displaying 1000 of 4395 characters.]  Artist bio

Artist auction records

.  askART's database currently holds 268 auction lots for Gino Hollander (of which 192 auction records sold and 0 are upcoming at auction.)

Artist artworks for sale and wanted

.  There are 0 artworks for sale on our website by galleries and art dealers . There are 3 galleries and art dealers listing works of art by Gino Hollander as either "Wanted" or "For Sale" .

Research resources

.  askART lists Gino Hollander in 0 of its research Essays. Gino Hollander has 82 artist signature examples available in our database.

Similar artists

.  There are 24 similar (related) artists for Gino Hollander available:    Heinie Hartwig,  Raphael Soyer,  Romain (Erte) De Tirtoff,  Peter Max,  Yayoi Kusama,  Damien Hirst,  Jean Jansem,  Salvador Dali,  Gustavo Novoa,  Conrad Marca-Relli,  Leonardo Nierman,  Keith Haring,  Pablo Picasso,  Chiura Obata,  Henry Martin Gasser,  David Davidovich Burliuk,  Robert Natkin,  Beniamino Bufano,  Anthony Thieme,  Jean Calogero,  Daniel Vasquez Diaz,  Vasa,  Robert Gallon,  Alexander (Sandy) Calder

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