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Richard Haines

Richard Haines (1906 - 1984) was active/lived in Iowa, Kansas, California.  Richard Haines is known for Modernist views, mural, genre, sculptor.

Born Marian, IA, December 29, 1906; died Los Angeles, CA, Oct. 9, 1984. Painter, specialized in watercolor. Muralist. Sculptor. Printmaker. Worked as a designer for a greeting card manufacturer and then for a calendar firm before becoming a pupil of Edmund Kopietz and Glen Mitchell at Minneapolis (MN) School of Art. Studied with John Norton in Chicago; studied fresco under La Montaigne St. Hubert and composition under Despujols at the Fontainbleau School, France. Returned to U.S. and became involved in New Deal art projects such as the 1936 mural in the Wichita Post Office, "Kansas Farming", two murals for West High School, Denver, CO, and seven panels in South High School, Minneapolis, MN. Moved to Los Angeles, CA area in 1941 where he worked for Douglas aircraft then taught at the Chouinard Art Institute from 1945-54. From 1954-1974, Haines was head of the painting department at the Otis Art Institute.

Susan Craig, "Biographical Dictionary of Kansas Artists (active before 1945)"
Wiebe, Joanna K. “Kansans Cared About their New Deal Art”, in Wichita Eagle Beacon, May 21, 1972. p.1E & 7E-----. “Local Legends Live in Art”, in Wichita Eagle Beacon, May 22, 1972. p.1A & 3A-----. “Age Enhances Fort Scott Mural”, in Wichita Eagle Beacon, May 23, 1972. p.1A & 8A-----. “Halstead Legend Perpetuated”, in Wichita Eagle Beacon, May 24, 1972. p.1A & 16A -----. “Scenics, Murals and Lithographs Included in Kansas New Deal Art”, in Wichita Eagle Beacon, May 25, 1972. p.15A.; Afb; AskArt, www.askart.com, accessed Dec. 16, 2005; http://www.sullivangoss.com/richard_haines/ Accessed July 21, 2006

This and over 1,750 other biographies can be found in Biographical Dictionary of Kansas Artists (active before 1945) compiled by Susan V. Craig, Art & Architecture Librarian at University of Kansas.   ...  [Displaying 1870 of 4537 characters.]  Artist bio

Artist auction records

.  askART's database currently holds 50 auction lots for Richard Haines (of which 31 auction records sold and 0 are upcoming at auction.)

Artist artworks for sale and wanted

.  There are 1 artworks for sale on our website by galleries and art dealers . There are 1 galleries and art dealers listing works of art by Richard Haines as either "Wanted" or "For Sale" .

Research resources

.  askART lists Richard Haines in 0 of its research Essays. Richard Haines has 11 artist signature examples available in our database.

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