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Artist Biography & Facts
Don Miles

Don Miles (1912 - 1990) was active/lived in California, Nebraska.  Don Miles is known for Desert landscape, harbor views.

This Biography was submitted by Chet Hill, a previous student and a personal friend. He used records from the San Gabriel Fine Art Club.

Don Miles was born in Lincoln, Nebraska on May 21, 1912. In 1918, his family moved to Long Beach California. His schooling was in Long Beach including his first year of college majoring in engineering. It is said that he started painting in 1932 and drawing was his main interest. He dropped out of college and went to a trade school in Los Angeles. In 1933, his first job was in architectural design and lasted six years.

Don's strong interest in painting led him to study landscape painting under Henry Richter and Sam Hyde Harris. He did a lot of plein-air painting in the desert and at the Harbor. He started painting as a serious professional in 1964. He painted in oils and watercolors.

Don became a teacher and taught many fine artists how to compose and create fine art.

Don won more than 90 awards, many "Best in Show" and   ...  [Displaying 1000 of 2137 characters.]  Artist bio

Artist auction records

.  askART's database currently holds 30 auction lots for Don Miles (of which 26 auction records sold and 0 are upcoming at auction.)

Artist artworks for sale and wanted

.  There are 0 artworks for sale on our website by galleries and art dealers . There are 1 galleries and art dealers listing works of art by Don Miles as either "Wanted" or "For Sale" .

Research resources

.  askART lists Don Miles in 1 of its research Essays. Don Miles has 6 artist signature examples available in our database.

Similar artists

.  There are 24 similar (related) artists for Don Miles available:    David Tauszky,  Paul Weindorf,  Darwin William Duncan,  Paul Conner,  Thorwald Albert Probst,  Karl Albert,  Joseph Frey,  Walter Farrington Moses,  Florence Young,  Harold Gretzner,  John Cotton,  Joshua Meador,  Dorothy Sklar,  Evylena Nunn (E Nunn) Miller,  John Modesitt,  Ben Abril,  William Sandorhaji Darling,  Ben Messick,  Roi Colman,  Ernest Browning Smith,  Joane Cromwell,  Bernice Lee (Burr) Singer,  Ralph William Holmes,  William Griffith

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Facts about Don Miles

   Don Miles  Born:  1912 - Lincoln, Nebraska
Died:   1990 - Pasadena, California
Known for:  Desert landscape, harbor views
Name variants:  Donald E Miles

This Biography was submitted by Chet Hill, a previous student and a personal friend. He used records from the San Gabriel Fine Art Club.

Don Miles was born in Lincoln, Nebraska on May 21, 1912. In 1918, his family moved to Long Beach California. His schooling was in Long Beach including his first year of college majoring in engineering. It is said that he started painting in 1932 and drawing was his main interest. He dropped out of college and went to a trade school in Los Angeles. In 1933, his first job was in architectural design and lasted six years.

Don's strong interest in painting led him to study landscape painting under Henry Richter and Sam Hyde Harris. He did a lot of plein-air painting in the desert and at the Harb  ...  Displaying 750 of 2137 characters.

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