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Artist Biography & Facts
Fran Larsen

Fran Larsen (Born 1937) was active/lived in New Mexico, Michigan.  Fran Larsen is known for Abstract landscape painting.

Born in Chicago, Illinois in 1937, Fran Larsen grew up in the resort community of South Haven, Michigan, on the south end of Lake Michigan. As a child she learned about the "construction" of the land from an uncle who was a glacial geologist. She also drew at an early age, mentored in part by her grandmother who praised and posted her drawings. Larsen says that her paintings are metaphors of her reaction to New Mexico's geological grandeur and vibrant cultures. "I am inspired by the way the environment makes me feel," she says. "So, while I reference actual buildings and landscapes, my paintings are what I call 'self talk.' They are intensely personal dialogues between my perceptions and conception, between colors I see and colors that express my bliss.   ...  [Displaying 767 of 1127 characters.]  Artist bio

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.  askART's database currently holds 82 auction lots for Fran Larsen (of which 52 auction records sold and 0 are upcoming at auction.)

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.  askART lists Fran Larsen in 0 of its research Essays. Fran Larsen has 16 artist signature examples available in our database.

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Facts about Fran Larsen

   Fran Larsen  Born:  1937 - Chicago, Illinois
Known for:  Abstract landscape painting

Born in Chicago, Illinois in 1937, Fran Larsen grew up in the resort community of South Haven, Michigan, on the south end of Lake Michigan. As a child she learned about the "construction" of the land from an uncle who was a glacial geologist. She also drew at an early age, mentored in part by her grandmother who praised and posted her drawings. Larsen says that her paintings are metaphors of her reaction to New Mexico's geological grandeur and vibrant cultures. "I am inspired by the way the environment makes me feel," she says. "So, while I reference actual buildings and landscapes, my paintings are what I call 'self talk.' They are intensely personal dialogues between my perceptions and conception, between colors I see and colors that   ...  Displaying 750 of 1127 characters.

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