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Artist Biography & Facts
Hanna Nagel

Hanna Nagel (1907 - 1975) was active/lived in Germany.  Hanna Nagel is known for Painting.

Artist information: married Fischer-Nagel, German draughtswoman, graphic artist. German draughtswoman, graphic artist, book illustrator and writer (1907 Heidelberg - 1975 Heidelberg), initially a representative of Verism and New Objectivity, later worked in a naturalistic style, from 1924 apprenticeship as a bookbinder, 1925-29 studied at the Karlsruhe Academy under Hermann Gehri, Karl Hubbuch and Wilhelm Schnarrenberger and master student of Walter Conz, 1929 moved to Berlin, 1930-32 studied at the Vereinigte Staatsschulen Berlin under Emil Orlik and Hans Meid, 1933 Rome Prize and residency with her husband Hans Fischer at the Villa Massimo in Rome until 1936, study visits to Paris and Spain, from 1945 in Heidelberg, source: Vollmer and Wikipedia.

Artist auction records

.  askART's database currently holds 99 auction lots for Hanna Nagel (of which 52 auction records sold and 0 are upcoming at auction.)

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.  There are 0 artworks for sale on our website by galleries and art dealers . There are 0 galleries and art dealers listing works of art by Hanna Nagel as either "Wanted" or "For Sale" .

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.  askART lists Hanna Nagel in 0 of its research Essays. Hanna Nagel has 0 artist signature examples available in our database.

Similar artists

.  There are 24 similar (related) artists for Hanna Nagel available:    Karl Hubbuch,  Artist Unknown,  Conrad Felixmuller,  Roland Bothner,  Theodor Verhas,  Hans Reiser,  Frans Masereel,  Klaus Bottger,  Walter Gramatte,  Otto Laible,  Gustav Kampmann,  Franz Wallischeck,  Heinz Friedrich,  Bruno Muller-Linow,  Arthur Grimm,  Emil Scheibe,  Hermann Gohler,  Georg Philipp Schmitt,  Carl Gottlieb Peschel,  Franz Huth,  Hanns Fay,  Edward Jakob von Steinle,  Daniel Wohlgemuth,  Richard Schwarzkopf

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Facts about Hanna Nagel

Artist information: married Fischer-Nagel, German draughtswoman, graphic artist. German draughtswoman, graphic artist, book illustrator and writer (1907 Heidelberg - 1975 Heidelberg), initially a representative of Verism and New Objectivity, later worked in a naturalistic style, from 1924 apprenticeship as a bookbinder, 1925-29 studied at the Karlsruhe Academy under Hermann Gehri, Karl Hubbuch and Wilhelm Schnarrenberger and master student of Walter Conz, 1929 moved to Berlin, 1930-32 studied at the Vereinigte Staatsschulen Berlin under Emil Orlik and Hans Meid, 1933 Rome Prize and residency with her husband Hans Fischer at the Villa Massimo in Rome until 1936, study visits to Paris and Spain, from 1945 in Heidelberg, so  ...  Displaying 750 of 778 characters.

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