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Artist Biography & Facts
Teh-Chun Chu

Teh-Chun Chu (1920 - 2014) was active/lived in China, France.  Teh Chun Chu is known for Abstract landscape painting, ceramics, calligraphy and graphics.

Biography photo for Teh-Chun Chu
As the third son of the Chu family, Teh-Chun was born on 24 October 1920 in Baitou Zhen, in the province of Jiangsu. This agricultural region of China made up of plains, watercourses and canals and which is also called the 'water country' will mark him deeply and give the artist Chu Teh-Chun a luminous palette.  He comes from a prosperous family of medical doctors, who are collectors of traditional Chinese painting.

In 1935, he enters the National School of Fine Arts in Hangzhou where he meets his contemporary Zao Wou-Ki. At the time not just traditional painting was taught; painters who had lived in France had brought back art reviews and reproductions of Renoir, Matisse, Picasso and Cézanne which fascinate Chu Teh-Chun. With impressionism, he discovers another technique and another vision of art.

The declaration of the Sino-Japanese war on 7 July 1937 leads to a relocation of the school inside the country. During this exodus which lasts two years, Chu Teh-Chun disc   ...  [Displaying 1000 of 12067 characters.]  Artist bio

Artist auction records

.  askART's database currently holds 1601 auction lots for Teh-Chun Chu (of which 1212 auction records sold and 2 are upcoming at auction.)

Artist artworks for sale and wanted

.  There are 0 artworks for sale on our website by galleries and art dealers . There are 2 galleries and art dealers listing works of art by Teh-Chun Chu as either "Wanted" or "For Sale" .

Research resources

.  askART lists Teh-Chun Chu in 0 of its research Essays. Teh-Chun Chu has 15 artist signature examples available in our database.

Similar artists

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Facts about Teh-Chun Chu

   Teh-Chun Chu  Born:  1920 - Baitu, Jiangsu Province, China
Died:   2014
Known for:  Abstract landscape painting, ceramics, calligraphy and graphics
Name variants:  Chu Teh Chun, Dequn Zhu

As the third son of the Chu family, Teh-Chun was born on 24 October 1920 in Baitou Zhen, in the province of Jiangsu. This agricultural region of China made up of plains, watercourses and canals and which is also called the 'water country' will mark him deeply and give the artist Chu Teh-Chun a luminous palette.  He comes from a prosperous family of medical doctors, who are collectors of traditional Chinese painting.

In 1935, he enters the National School of Fine Arts in Hangzhou where he meets his contemporary Zao Wou-Ki. At the time not just traditional painting was taught; painters who had lived in France had brought back art reviews and reproductions of Renoir, Matisse, Picasso and Cézanne which fascinate Chu Teh-Chun. With i  ...  Displaying 750 of 12067 characters.

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