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Andrew Loomis

Andrew (William) Loomis (1892 - 1959) was active/lived in Illinois, California.  Andrew Loomis is known for Figure, genre, portrait, illustration.

(William) Andrew Loomis was an illustrator, teacher and creator of "how-to-do-books" on drawing and painting for illustrators, like Viking Press publications Fun with a Pencil, 1939, Figure Drawing for All It's Worth, 1943, and Creative Illustration, 1947.  In 1951, Successful Drawing was published (it re-appeared in 1961 as Three-Dimensional Drawing).  Drawing the Head and Hands was published in 1956. They were all immensely successful.  Loomis' last book, Eye of the Painter and Elements of Beauty, posthumously published in 1961 (he died in 1959), unlike his earlier instruction books, is filled with examples of fine art, but little of his own work.
Loomis was born in 1892 in Syracuse, New York, growing up in Zanesville, Ohio.

In 1911, he studied with Frank Vincent Dumond and George Bridgman at the Art Students League, New York City, as well as in 1915 at the Art Institute of Chicago, Illinois.  Though alwa   ...  [Displaying 1000 of 2306 characters.]  Artist bio

Artist auction records

.  askART's database currently holds 117 auction lots for Andrew Loomis (of which 108 auction records sold and 0 are upcoming at auction.)

Artist artworks for sale and wanted

.  There are 2 artworks for sale on our website by galleries and art dealers . There are 3 galleries and art dealers listing works of art by Andrew Loomis as either "Wanted" or "For Sale" .

Research resources

.  askART lists Andrew Loomis in 0 of its research Essays. Andrew Loomis has 16 artist signature examples available in our database.

Similar artists

.  There are 24 similar (related) artists for Andrew Loomis available:    Charles Sheldon,  Harold Anderson,  John LaGatta,  Harry Anderson,  Willy Pogany,  James Avati,  Saul Tepper,  Walter Martin Baumhofer,  Frederick Sands Brunner,  Peter Driben,  Russell Sambrook,  Leslie Thrasher,  Coles Phillips,  Enoch Bolles,  William Edward (Bill) Medcalf,  Elbert McGran Jackson,  Pruett Carter,  Haddon Sunny Hubbard Sundblom,  John Gannam,  Bradshaw Crandell,  Norman Mills Price,  George Rozen,  Alan Stephens Foster,  Paul Stahr

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Auction Sales Stats for Andrew Loomis

Auction Records 117
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