Artist Museums
Cecil Walter Hardy Beaton

Cecil Walter Hardy Beaton (1904 - 1980) was active/lived in New York / United Kingdom, England.  Cecil Beaton is known for Celebrity portrait painting, photography, fashion design.

Biography photo for Cecil Walter Hardy Beaton
Sir Cecil Walter Beaton was an English fashion and portrait photographer, diarist, style icon, interior designer and an Academy Award-winning stage and costume designer for films and the theatre.

He was born on January 14, 1904 in Hampstead the son of Ernest Walter Hardy Beaton (1867-1936), a prosperous timber merchant, and his wife Etty Sissons (1872-1962).  His grandfather, Walter Hardy Beaton (1841-1904) had founded the family business of Beaton Brothers Timber Merchants and Agents, and his father followed into the business.  Ernest Beaton was also an amateur actor and had met his wife, Cecil's mother, when playing the lead in a play.  She was the daughter of a Cumbrian blacksmith who had come to London to visit her married sister.  They had four children - in addition to Cecil there were two daughters Nancy (1909-1999) and Baba (1912-1973), and another son Reggie (1905-1933).

Cecil Beaton was educated at Heath Mount School (where   ...  [Displaying 1000 of 11902 characters.]  Artist bio

Artist auction records

.  askART's database currently holds 832 auction lots for Cecil Walter Hardy Beaton (of which 743 auction records sold and 5 are upcoming at auction.)

Artist artworks for sale and wanted

.  There are 0 artworks for sale on our website by galleries and art dealers . There are 0 galleries and art dealers listing works of art by Cecil Walter Hardy Beaton as either "Wanted" or "For Sale" .

Research resources

.  askART lists Cecil Walter Hardy Beaton in 0 of its research Essays. Cecil Walter Hardy Beaton has 21 artist signature examples available in our database.

Similar artists

.  There are 24 similar (related) artists for Cecil Walter Hardy Beaton available:    Lionel Dalhousie Robertson Edwards,  Rex Whistler,  Paul Serusier,  Leslie Hurry,  Duncan James Corrow Grant,  Frederick Gore,  Stanley Roy Badmin,  Gerald Laing,  Graham Ovenden,  Augustus Edwin John,  Anthony Caro,  Mary Fedden,  Roger Elliot Fry,  Fred Yates,  Ben Nicholson,  Pavel (Tchelitchev) Tchelitchew,  Christian Berard,  Josef Herman,  Keith Vaughan,  Albert Marquet,  Lucio Fontana,  John Egerton Christmas Piper,  Bernard Meninsky,  Carel Victor Marlais Weight

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Museums for Cecil Walter Hardy Beaton

The above Museums are derived from what askART has identified from our research for this artist and are intended as an additional tool for information. It may not be a complete list.