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Jose Benlliure Y Gil

Jose Benlliure Y Gil (1855 - 1937) was active/lived in Spain, Italy.  Jose Benlliure Y Gil is known for Costumbrista themes and portraiture.

Jose Benlliure y Gil was born in Valencia, Spain in 1855. Jose studied under Francisco Domingo Marques at the Academie de San Carlos in Valencia, and at The Spanish School in Rome, Italy. In the late 1800's, Jose Benlliure y Gil was pensioned by the Spanish government for residence in Italy. He became a leader of the Spanish art colony in Rome where he practiced as a painter and sculptor. Between 1903-1913, Jose was professor of The Spanish School of Fine Arts, Rome. In 1919, Jose returned to Spain and became Director of The Museum de Belles Arts de Valencia. Jose Benlliure y Gil's work was frequently exhibited at the Paris Salon and Madrid, His famous work, Vision in the Colosseum, now hangs in the Museum of Fine Arts in Valencia, Spain. Jose Benlliure y Gil died in 1937.

Artist auction records

.  askART's database currently holds 169 auction lots for Jose Benlliure Y Gil (of which 70 auction records sold and 3 are upcoming at auction.)

Artist artworks for sale and wanted

.  There are 0 artworks for sale on our website by galleries and art dealers . There are 0 galleries and art dealers listing works of art by Jose Benlliure Y Gil as either "Wanted" or "For Sale" .

Research resources

.  askART lists Jose Benlliure Y Gil in 0 of its research Essays. Jose Benlliure Y Gil has 9 artist signature examples available in our database.

Similar artists

.  There are 24 similar (related) artists for Jose Benlliure Y Gil available:    Juan Roig Y Soler,  Roberto Fallola,  José Navarro y Llorens,  Arcadio Mas Y Fondevila,  Baldomero Galofre Y Gimenez,  Fernando Alvarez De Sotomayor,  Rafael Senet y Perez,  Francisco Pradilla Y Ortiz,  Jose Villegas Y Cordero,  Joaquin Mir Y Trinxet,  Mariano Jose Maria Bernardo Fortuny,  Jose Puyet,  Cecilio Pla Y Gallardo,  Antonio Maria De Reyna Manescau,  Pedro Sobrado,  Eustaquio Segrelles,  Raimundo De Madrazo Y Garreta,  Luciano Diaz Castilla,  Juan Barjola,  Daniel Vasquez Diaz,  Cristino Vera Reyes,  Antonio Suarez,  Jose Torrent,  Emilio Sala Y Frances

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