Artist Keywords
Carlos Botelho

Carlos Botelho (1899 - 1982) is known for Painting.

One of the most prominent figures in the modernist movement in Portugal, Carlos Botelho began his career in caricature and humor. Having toured and painted parts of Europe and America, he was notable for his original views of Lisbon. In 1937 Botelho was awarded the "Grand-Prix" at the Paris International Exhibition; in 1938 with the Souza Cardoso Prize; in 1939 with the 1st Prize at the International Contemporary Art Exhibition in San Francisco, California (a reward of great repercussion in the world); and in 1940 with the Columbano prize. His best works can now be seen at the Chiado Museum, at the S. Paulo National Museum of Art and in several national and international private collections.

Artist auction records

.  askART's database currently holds 96 auction lots for Carlos Botelho (of which 54 auction records sold and 1 are upcoming at auction.)

Artist artworks for sale and wanted

.  There are 0 artworks for sale on our website by galleries and art dealers . There are 0 galleries and art dealers listing works of art by Carlos Botelho as either "Wanted" or "For Sale" .

Research resources

.  askART lists Carlos Botelho in 0 of its research Essays. Carlos Botelho has 11 artist signature examples available in our database.

Similar artists

.  There are 24 similar (related) artists for Carlos Botelho available:    Antonio Soares,  Joao Queiroz,  Jose de Almada Negreiros,  Jaime Murteira,  Joao Hogan,  Mario Cesariny,  Noronha da Costa,  Cruzeiro Seixas,  Joaquim Lopes,  Jorge Martins,  Rui Matos,  Alvaro Lapa,  Falcao Trigoso,  Frederico Aires,  Fausto Goncalves,  Pedro Proenca,  Nikias Skapinakis,  Joao Cutileiro,  Joao Vieira,  Julio Resende,  Jose Loureiro,  Jorge Barradas,  Artur Bual,  Julio Pomar

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Keywords and Quick Facts for Carlos Botelho

Art Media

The above Keywords are derived from what askART has identified from our research for this artist and are intended as an additional tool for information. Sources include books, periodicals, auction records, family members, friends, and professional researchers. askART has derived Quick Facts as a brief overview; it is not a complete list rather it is a list that is most frequently cited.